Home Features View From The Lazy Acre. Happy New Year! (Or stop smoking and...

View From The Lazy Acre. Happy New Year! (Or stop smoking and get organised)

Read the latest entry from our Indie label diarists Lazy Acre Records

So while it seems like we’re still sweeping up from the Olympics, somehow 2013 is upon us. So far I am 14 days into what is designed to be something approaching a health kick for me. I’ve cut down on the cans of coke and donuts and junk food. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in nearly 3 weeks and I’m even taking multi-vitamins. So apart from being hungry and grumpy so far 2013 is shaping up nicely.

2012 ended up being, in the mean, pretty good to us indeed In lots of ways it was our best yet. We put out more releases last year than in any other year of our history, introduced loads of people to their new favourite bands and even saw us roll out our first nationwide tour. Our brilliant partners at Thinksync placed a ruck of our releases into BBC TV shows, short films and indeed much longer films. We saw our records downloaded and mail-ordered to countries we had never dreamed our little label logo would be found and made a truckload of great new friends along the way. But there are always lessons to be learnt. So here are my new years resolutions for 2013

1. Im not going to let any sexy looking Norwegians tempt me back into full time smoking.

2. Im going to go to more gigs this year. Maybe Im getting old but its getting harder to find the motivation to go out on a cold and wet Tuesday night when I could just listen to the songs on bandcamp. But yet each time I do I find myself falling in love with it all again. Im aiming for at least a gig a month. This starts in Trondheim in a couple of weeks when myself, Jack PopWill 405 and Ross My First Tooth are heading to town to watch Ice Hockey, eat fish stew and see like a gazillion great new bands. (Therese Aune and Twin Pines Mall are top of my list!)

3. As a label we are going to be doing a loooot less in the way of free downloads this year. As a notion its been a great thing for us to do to build an audience (especially when we work almost exclusively with international bands making their first foray into the UK) but really – how many songs does Uno Moller or Dan Sledding With Tigers have to give you before you cough up a couple of bucks towards their rent or our costs in promoting that there record to you. Dont get me wrong – we will still continue to make music available for free but maybe instead of a whole album, you should get a couple of tracks and then perhaps if you like kick in a couple of bucks? We shall see. Honestly – would you do your job for free?

4. We just discovered Freedcamp and it might well in fact be life changing. In short (and without wanting to sound geeky) its an online project management tool ands central to our general theme of getting more organised this year. Its hard sometimes with staff and spread all over the world. I genuinely think this could help us a lot.

5. We will do something on vinyl this year. Im not sure what. Or who. Or how. But we shall at some point this year spring forth a release on something sexy and black and round.

6. We’re going to make more friends this year! Likes, followers, tumblrbots, you name it! We wanna be your friend! Come and say hi over on FacebookTwitter or Tumblr 🙂 Indeed thanks to the amazing new “Fan” features on Bandcamp you can even now keep up to date with what records we are listening to / buying / lusting over!

So there we have it. My new year resolutions for the label this year. What does 20123 have in store for you? Get in touch and let us know! Before I do sign off for today I thought I would share this with you all – its the lead track from Tibi & her Cello’s new EP – I absolutely love this video and as I look out at snow falling on the acre, I long for a bit of this sunshine!


For now – I bid you farewell – I’m off to build a snowman

Much love

The Lazy Boy x

(Picture above: Tibi & her Cello – taken live at the Lazy Acre end of year showcase, Herr Nilsen. Oslo. December 2012)

Read all previous Lazy Acre diary posts here.