Home New Music TR^NKS Lets It All Out on ‘Hey! No Ego’

TR^NKS Lets It All Out on ‘Hey! No Ego’

TR^NKS is on a mission to liberate us, and he does just that with his latest single ‘Hey! No Ego.’ The thumping, electro-punk track is an invitation to listeners, with the artist calling on us to rage with him against the hypocrisy of society. 

TR^NKS – Hey! No Ego

TR^NKS, founded by Christian Davis, comes to us by way of North West London. Davis has an impressive resume — he’s been in indie rock band Six By Seven, formed the Nottingham shoegaze act Spotlight Kids, and has drummed with the likes of Soulsavers, Spiritualized, and electronic duo Anomic Soul.

“Three minutes and thirty seconds of pure, unadulterated frustration.”

Now, Davis is taking his sound to new heights. His love of early Warp, Rising High, and Tri-Angle Records inspired him to experiment with drum machines, an old Juno 60, and his laptop. The result was TR^NKS — music that aims to free us from the false hopes, illusions, and great expectations spoon-fed to us by a society whose sole aim is to lock us in a cage. 

With ‘Hey! No Ego,’ TR^NKS captures this sentiment perfectly. The song is three minutes and thirty seconds of pure, unadulterated frustration. Backed by a pulsing, addictive beat that sticks in your head long after the track has stopped, Davis’ lyrics feel both like a cathartic emotional release and a war cry. TR^NKS is fighting against power structures that intend to strip us of who we are at our cores, and he’s asking us to take up arms alongside him. 

TR^NKS is acutely aware of the injustices of the world, and he refuses to turn away from them. With ‘Hey! No Ego,’ he calls on us to do the same — and makes a very convincing argument in the process.

“If it’s easy and it’s cheap, you’re bored so you’ll have it”

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Words Elizabeth Braaten