Home New Music The Howling Faith Unveil ‘25 Miles’

The Howling Faith Unveil ‘25 Miles’

The Howling Faith 25 Miles review on Right Chord Music

The eclectic trio, The Howling Faith, has just released their latest track, 25 Miles, a compelling ode to the quest for something elusive.

The Howling Faith – 25 Miles

When thinking of the term ‘eclectic,’ the California-based trio, The Howling Faith, stands out. Proud of their genre-defying style, they evoke the sounds of artists like Los Aterciopelados, Chrissie Hynde, and Alex Turner. To create their unique sonic blend, The Howling Faith draws inspiration from diverse musicians, including Neil Young & Crazy Horse, The Pretenders, PJ Harvey, R.E.M., and Tom Petty, among others.

The Howling Faith on Spotify

The Howling Faith, featuring Laura Sanchez Ishida (vocals/bass), Danny Rodarte (guitar), and Tom King (drums), stands out with their multicultural sound. They describe their music as “not white enough for the Americana scene and not ethnic enough for the Alt-Latino scenes,” embracing their unique and unapologetic approach to genre blending.

As part of their impressive 2024 lineup, The Howling Faith is now sharing their latest track, 25 Miles. This song explores the quest for something elusive and the uncertainty that follows once it’s discovered. The track cleverly uses this theme as an allegory for a romantic encounter, highlighting the chemistry between two people and the external influences that affect their connection. The narrative follows a boy meeting a girl, experiencing chemistry, and then grappling with the impact of his surroundings while being captivated by her.

Driven by an irresistible jangly guitar hook, 25 Miles excels with its captivating lyrics and dynamic vocal interplay between Danny and Laura. This engaging back-and-forth creates a rich, immersive composition making it a standout track that captures the listener’s attention.

“25 Miles offers a memorable auditory experience, enriched by compelling storytelling and a blend of versatile musical influences that will keep you invested from start to finish.”

Whether it’s their unconventional approach or the numerous standout moments in their music, one thing is clear: The Howling Faith are here to stay. As they continue to expand their discography with remarkable tracks like 25 Miles, they are set to keep dazzling audiences in Los Angeles and beyond.

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Words Javier Rodriguez