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Tag: Right Chord Music

Blackchords ‘Oh No’

While fans continue to patiently wait for the release of their second album 'A Thin Line,' (Now expected to drop in April) Blackchords have...

Episode Sixteen. The Right Chord Music ‘Lost On Radio’ Podcast

Welcome to the 16th episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark Knight and Andy Mort, Lost On Radio is...

FSOL 45. Twigs ‘Weak Spot’

Very little is known about the female vocal talent which is  Twigs, but if that means we stop obsessing about the back story and...

FSOL 44. Winterhours ‘Ocean Heart’

Introducing or should I say re-introducing Winterhours a London / Winchester band that we first featured back in February 2012. Back then we hadn't started...

Episode Fourteen. The Right Chord Music ‘Lost On Radio’ Podcast

Welcome to the 14th episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark Knight and Andy Mort, Lost On...

Episode Thirteen. Lost On Radio – Bonus ‘Battleships’ Interview

Listen to Andy's special interview with our Band Of The Week 'Battleships' and hear new single 'Another Way'  

Episode Thirteen. The Right Chord Music ‘Lost On Radio’ Podcast

Welcome to the 13th episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast, the first of 2013. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark...

FSOL 42. Blaise Paisel ‘Magical’

Welcome to 2013! Introducing Blaise Paisel, a young indie 5 piece from Kent, formed in late 2010 by lead singer Albury Cotter. Despite their tender...

The Best New Music of 2012. Pt. 11 Staff Writer Picks

Right Chord Music staff writer Jen Grimble chooses her picks of the Best New Music of 2012. Strangers offered that characteristic 1980’s pop that helped...

The Best Music Of 2012. Pt. 8 Guest Editors ‘Curxes’

We first clocked Curxes back in August for First Signs Of Love #27, since then the blogosphere has continued to shower them with glowing praise...

The Best Music Of 2012. Pt. 5. First Signs Of Love...

As regular readers will know, we run a feature on Right Chord Music called First Signs Of Love. FSOL is about those moments when...

FSOL 41. Amusement ‘King Of The World’

Croydon based 'Amusement' have come a long way in the past 12 months. They successfully built up a reputation as a bedroom production duo...
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