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Tag: Right Chord Music

Band Of The Week. Washington Irving

Glaswegian five-piece Washington Irving epitomise Scottish folk-rock. Their music is specific to their heritage and every vocal holds huge amounts of Scottish pride. With their debut...

FSOL. 57 Shy Nature. Deadly Sin

This is the First Signs Of Love, a feature that celebrates those moments when you are blown away by the brilliance of a new...

Episode Twenty Seven. The Right Chord Music ‘Lost On Radio’ Podcast

Welcome to the 27th episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark Knight and Andy Mort, Lost...

FSOL 56. Allman Brown Feat Liz Lawrence. ‘Sons & Daughters’

Our First Signs of Love feature is about the moment you find a new artist to love, and you simply can’t get enough. This...

FSOL 54. Sam Pinkerton ‘I Will Never Fall In Love With...

Introducing Sam Pinkerton, 'I Will Never Fall In Love With You' we've been playing this track on repeat for the last few weeks and it still...

Band Of The Week. Holy Esque

We recently featured Holy Esque's new single 'St' on the blog. Since then we've discovered the self titled EP and have concluded Holy Esque are...

Night Engine. Young & Carefree

Night Engine, one of our favourite new bands of 2012 are back with their second single 'Young & Carefree, a murky, fuzzy, indie disco stomper...

FSOL 52. Jacko Hooper. ’21,Promises’

This week’s First Signs Of Love track is ’21, Promises’ by Jacko Hooper, a delicate ode to musical aspirations. “I want to live on the stage,...

Episode Twenty Two. The Right Chord Music ‘Lost On Radio’ Podcast

Welcome to the 22nd episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark Knight...

Artist of The Week. Sara Jackson-Holman. Her Album Cardiology Will Melt...

Portland based singer-songwriter Sara Jackson Holman, is a musician whose passion for classical music, gives her sound a modern yet timeless twist. Her music has...

FSOL 50. Nadia Nair ‘Bon Voyage’

Nadia Nair grew up on the Swedish west coast, Gothenburg, and since the age of 4 has been looking for her place in music. She took...

Artist Of The Week. Deptford Goth

Deptford Goth sat in my inbox unopened for a while, maybe it was the 'Goth' thing but something was stopping me from listening, I...
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