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Tag: love our records

Episode 131. Lost On Radio

Lost On Radio is a weekly showcase of incredible new, undiscovered, and under appreciated music from around the world. The show is curated and...

Episode 107. Lost On Radio

Lost On Radio is a weekly showcase of incredible new, undiscovered, and under appreciated music from around the world. The show is curated and...

Kev La Kat – EP No 2.22

Kev La Kat, the main man behind the consistently brilliant, free download label Love Our Records, steps to the front of the stage. This...

Player One – Take It Back (To Straight Rap) Gold Mix

Love Our Records presents a 'Gold Mix' of Player One's latest release. Words written and delivered by @player-one-2014 aka Nigel Taylor. Bass Guitar, Arranged...

Episode 85. Lost On Radio

Welcome to the 85th episode of Lost On Radio. Presented and curated by Mark Knight the founder of Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio is a weekly showcase...

First Signs Of Love No 67. Cool Fun ‘What You Do’

Imagine watching Back To The Future and MJ Fox has just landed in the 1940s. He turns on the car radio, and what he...

Skygaze. Fantasy

Introducing the debut single from Spanish producer Skygaze, it's available as a limited edition free download, via Love Our Records. Make sure you don't miss...

Yannick ‘Be Physical’

Yannick exploded into our ears last year and featured as First Signs Of Love #30 with their debut single 'No Lust' which delivered a  joyous...

Love Our Records Presents Super Mega Preview Two.

This essential mix-tape from our friends at Love Our Records features forthcoming releases from artists including Yannick, Endoflevelbaddie, Human Machine, Eky, Black Dots, Drartz, Tom...

Tom Skelly ‘Lonely Road’

This is Tom Skelly 'Lonely Road.' The sparse sound, and honest, direct lyrics paint a powerful and compelling soundtrack for isolation. This might sound...

Guest Editor. Kev La Kat of Love Our Records

Hello, I'm Kev La Kat; Founder of Love Our Records. Our release for Yannick's 'No Lust' was featured on RCM and my remix was...
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