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Tag: Independent artists

Best of 2011 Round up By Right Chord Music

During the past few weeks, we've been asking some of our favourite people to choose their music of the year. We've had brilliant selections...

Best of 2011 Part Six: Chosen by Blackchords

Next in the guest editors chair is Damian Cazaly, the lead guitarist and hugely gifted artist from our very own Blackchords. Damian has chosen...

Best of 2011: Part 5 Chosen by The Daydream Club

Our very own favourite acoustic, folk duo The Daydream Club are next in the editors chair.  Here are their favourite music picks of the...

Best of 2011 Part 4. Plus Tour Announcement And FREE Xmas...

It really does feel like Christmas has come early.  Not only have each member of Dog Is Dead shared their favourite track of 2011, they've...

Best of 2011 Part Three: Chosen By The Jude

As one of our favourite and most featured new bands of 2011, we just had to ask those 'Viscous Skiffle' rockers The Jude to talk...

Best of 2011 Part Two: Chosen By Romans

We like to mix things up , so following the delicate folk of The Paper Shades our next guest editors are Romans purveyors of 'Hardcore...

Best of 2011 Part One: Chosen By The Paper Shades

Between now and Christmas we'll be asking some of our favourite new bands and artists to share their musical highlights from this year. First up...

Blackchords Announce Fan Funding Plans For Second Album

BLACKCHORDS have announced fan funding plans for the follow up to their widely acclaimed, debut self titled debut. The new album will be released...

Blackchords Music To Feature On Underbelly Razor Soundtrack

Underbelly Razor is an Australian drama series that details real events that occurred in Sydney between 1927 and 1936. Blackchords are excited their music...

Right Chord Music Workshop at The Alpha-ville Festival

Mark from Right Chord Music will be speaking at The Alpha-ville International Festival of Post Digital Culture. The workshop session takes place at 3pm...

From Database to Fanbase. A Smarter Way To Use Mailing Lists.

Everyday there seems to be another music marketing article espousing the importance of mailing lists for bands and artists. But these articles all seem to...

@_label_love_ Independent Music Needs You

Following the fire in Enfield on Monday night that destroyed the Sony / PIAS distribution centre a campaign is underway to raise money for...
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