Home New Music Sabina Chantouria Takes Us Through The ‘Echoes’ of The Past

Sabina Chantouria Takes Us Through The ‘Echoes’ of The Past

Get swept into the visual and reminiscent lyrics of Sabina Chantouria’s ‘Echoes’, complete with tender vocals and elegant musicianship.

Sabina Chantouria – Echoes

Georgian-Swedish singer-songwriter Sabina Chantouria has already built an impressive resume as she continues to blossom in the Swedish music scene. The artist was the 2017 Georgian National finalist for Eurovision and has been featured on international radio and television as well as having performed at various festivals. Her latest single ‘Echoes’ hits the mark, with other talented musicians also playing a part.

‘Echoes’ kicks off with the gentle strums of the guitar and Sabina’s silky soft vocals. There is an Americana twang to the song that works well to enhance the stripped-back, dreamy and emotional tone. The lyrics are thought-provoking and sung with clarity to leave you feeling like you’re missing someone who never existed, it’s powerful and beautifully executed. 

‘Echoes’ is a melodic, delicate and therapeutic folk track that makes you miss someone you never knew.

Of the track, Sabina explains ”We all carry memories of someone close to us that has left a huge impact in our lives. ‘Echoes’ is a song about time, and memories that awake bittersweet feelings.” The emotive nature is certain to at least tug on the heartstrings or elicit a memory.

As the track progresses, more instruments are gradually introduced in a subtle and effective manner. The choruses amp up the noise to deliver a passionate and reminiscent segment complemented by backing vocals to drive home the lyrics. Throughout ‘Echoes’, Sabina’s radiant vocals simply shine through and work magnificently for the song’s style.

To put it shortly, ‘Echoes’ honours everything you want in a song, it’s got heart, lyrics that awaken memories, and fantastic vocals to round it off.

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Words Holly Hammond