Home New Music Lyra Get “Lost” In The Maze

Lyra Get “Lost” In The Maze

Lyra’s new single Lost is an electro lounge cut that describes internal struggle and doubt. 

Lyra – Lost

First single in a row of releases due this year, the song is a delightfully classy electro-lounge number, each chord sliding like a warm summer breeze embracing your whole body. Lead vocalist Jenna’s voice slides on the notes like a gull on the wind. Dripping with passion, she sounds strong and resolute, but smooth and soothing at the same time. Her belts resound, then dissolve as an echo, slowly vanishing into the background music. Around her voice, piano keys tap like strokes of a paintbrush on a watercolour canvas.

And yet, once you get past the sultry calming soundscape, a more attentive listen unveils quite a sombre picture, since the story being told is anything but light-hearted. The path our songstress is sliding along is actually an intricate maze inside her own mind. One composed of hard choices and emotional doubt. This is actually well symbolised on the single cover, which shows two doors, imposingly standing before the viewer. “One sets me free the other sends me to my grave”, reflects Jenna. 

The band wrote the song about the struggles of trying to make ends meet as independent musicians. Now one is left to wonder which path they see as their demise and which equals freedom since the choices normally posed before someone in their position normally are:  either compromising their vision to make money or staying true to themselves at the risk of having to find some other way of putting bread on the table. “When I look up at the stars/Will they remember my name?”, she wonders in the chorus, echoing the hopes and fears of so many young artists trying to etch their name into history.

Based in London, Lyra is formed by English musicians Jenna (vocals), George (bass) and James (guitar) along with Italians Anselmo (drums) and Ej (keys). Lovers of the Motown sound, they claim inspiration from the likes of Adele, Lily Moore, Olivia Dean, Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder. They have nonetheless certainly added their own sublime, dream-like flavour to the mixture.

“Underneath a sultrily soothing electro-lounge tune lies a sombre reflection on internal struggles and self-doubt”

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Words Fernando de Oliveira Lúcio