Home New Music Lost Legs Captures The Essence of ‘Lovesick’

Lost Legs Captures The Essence of ‘Lovesick’

Lost Legs - Lovesick single review on Right Chord Music

Manchester-based quartet Lost Legs has made a striking return with their latest single, Lovesick, a melody that perfectly captures the intoxicating feeling of falling for someone special. Get ready to be swept off your feet by this emotionally charged track.

Lost Legs – Lovesick

Formed in 2023, Lost Legs comprises Simon Stirzaker (frontman), Tom Monaghan (bass), Josh Newsom (lead guitar), and Dylan Jupp (drums). Despite being a relatively new band, they’ve quickly gained recognition for their energetic live performances and are steadily making waves in Manchester’s vibrant music scene.

Lost Legs – Lovesick

Often compared to The 1975, Paramore, and Sea Girls, Lost Legs blends modern production with the timeless appeal of classic northern guitar music, resulting in a sound that’s both fresh and familiar.

As the title suggests, their latest song, Lovesick, is a love-centred track that explores the intense emotions tied to infatuation. It delves into the experience of being unable to let go of that one person, no matter how hard you try. They constantly occupy your thoughts, and you find yourself falling head over heels time and again. This theme of obsessive, unshakable love is something many listeners will find deeply relatable, capturing the universal struggle of trying to move on from someone who lingers in your mind and heart.

To capture this universally relatable experience, Lost Legs delivers their best in Lovesick. The track features effervescent guitar riffs paired with understated drumming, all elevated by Simon’s youthful and emotive vocals. It’s the perfect soundtrack for any romantic moment, enriched by thoughtful details like singalong backing vocals and an irresistibly catchy chorus. This is pop rock infused with genuine heart and soul, making it both memorable and impactful.

“Lovesick is a charming musical piece, elevated by its sincere songwriting and engaging production.”

Lost Legs’ ability to narrate relatable experiences with charm and authenticity is sure to resonate with a wide audience, proving that the band is on the right path with songs like this.

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Words Javier Rodriguez