Home New Music Loren Has Got ‘The Feeling’

Loren Has Got ‘The Feeling’

Loren hasn’t let his newcomer status hold him back. On his latest single ‘The Feeling’, he smashes all expectations with a confident and accomplished example of his own sound.

Loren – The Feeling

Sometimes it can be difficult to put into words the effect a song can have on a person. When regarding Loren’s body of work, there is only one word that truly springs to mind: euphoria. Filled with pristine production and dance floor-ready beats, Loren deftly navigates the genres of pop and IDM music in a fusion that pairs perfectly with featured artist Jessi McDonald. Despite this being her first foray into a more electronic-influenced direction, the acoustic-based artist uplifts the track with her clear and commanding vocal performance. Much like his previous direction on last year’s I Want All Your Love’, Loren proves his incredible eye for partnering artists with a fitting soundscape.

With influences ranging from Max Martin to the legendary Paul McCartney (Loren having previously produced in the iconic Abbey Road), Loren exhibits a marked dynamism that distinguishes his musical direction as inherently his own. Almost acting as a musical auteur, he keeps firm control over each aspect of the tracks: from the blooming visual direction to the smoothness of each track’s production. Each element coalesces into a fully-formed vision that is uniquely Loren’s own: something many struggle to achieve across a much larger discography. With a goal to release a track each month for the foreseeable future- backed by promotion, music videos and more- he may soon become one of the most dedicated in the industry.

As an independent creator, Loren’s dedication already commands notice. What is most notable about Loren is his unabashed understanding and gratuity. As he stated in an interview with Daily Music Roll, to him “it means the world to get any sort of reaction”- good or bad. While I can’t speak on the bad, all this praise and support is most definitely deserved. While the quality of ‘The Feeling’ speaks for itself, it truly is refreshing to have such a humble individual behind such professional tunes.

Steadily gaining magazine spotlights and airplay, Loren will soon receive the devoted fanbase he well and truly deserves. With an exciting future on the horizon, you can count me as one such individual waiting on each release with bated breath.

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Words Angus Nisbet