Home New Music Jonty Read is a ‘Lonely Traveller’

Jonty Read is a ‘Lonely Traveller’

Jonty Read Lonely Traveller review on Right Chord Music

Brighton-based singer-songwriter Jonty Read has officially stepped onto the music scene with his debut single, Lonely Traveller. This track serves as a heartfelt reflection on the relentless pursuit of elusive dreams.

Jonty Read – Lonely Traveller

Originally from the South-West of England, Jonty Read is a rising name in the independent music circuit. His music stands out for its atmospheric elements and moody vibe, complemented by soulful songwriting and his signature deep, resonant vocals.

Jonty Read – Lonely Traveller on Spotify

Jonty Read draws inspiration from a range of artists, including Adrienne Lenker, Elliott Smith, Warhaus, Raoul Vignal, and Sufjan Stevens.

Eager to make his mark, Jonty Read has unveiled his debut track, Lonely Traveller. This powerful composition captures the struggle of chasing an elusive dream, embarking on a never-ending journey toward a goal that always seems just out of reach. Written during a reflective period in Jonty’s life, Lonely Traveler echoes his emotions from that contemplative time. He further elaborates:

“This track was written during a period of isolation at home in the middle of nowhere, giving me time to reflect on things that weren’t going well in my life. The song allowed me to step into a character and explore the realisation that chasing after an ideal must eventually come to an end.”

The track opens with the serene sounds of chirping birds and solemn guitar chords, instantly setting the stage for a deeply introspective journey. As the melody unfolds, methodical instrumentation emerges, featuring understated drums, slow-paced strumming, haunting backing vocals, and the key element—Jonty’s deep, resonant voice. His vocal delivery adds an extra layer of loneliness that permeates the entire track.

Lonely Traveller is a deeply reflective piece that thrives on its melancholic atmosphere and immersive sound.

Although Jonty Read’s discography is still in its early stages, his debut track certainly meets expectations. Lonely Traveller is a soul-searching melody with honest lyrics and a sound that excels due to its well-rounded composition. It’s a track worth revisiting and has set a high bar for what this promising young artist will deliver next.

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Words Javier Rodriguez