Home New Music GIYA Delivers A Love Letter To London With ‘4 once’

GIYA Delivers A Love Letter To London With ‘4 once’

Born and raised in London, GIYA is ready to close 2022 with an absolute delight of a song in the form of 4 once, a touching ode to her native city.

GIYA – 4 once

GIYA is an up-and-coming singer whose irrefutable talent has been recognized and supported by BBC Introducing London, along with prominent festivals such as Glastonbury, Victorious, and 2000 trees, establishing GIYA as a promising figure in the UK independent music scene.

Following the warm reception of her previous track, Foggy Hearts, GIYA has decided to end this year on a high note with the release of her single 4 once. This particular melody has a special meaning, being an ode to her beloved London and what it represents during the summertime, as she explains:

London is a peculiar place, and I feel the young people often want different things to the old, it’s that battle between change and conservatism. I can speak for my friends and people my age that we are pushing for a far more inclusive place in general, whereas it seems the powers that be always want the opposite.

But in the summer, something happens to the city I have always felt, that the good wins, the music wins and the general vibes just win. It’s truly like nothing else. 4 once is my love note to the city, but mainly to those dancers and the buskers, and I want 4 once to be that tune that is reminiscent of those times when the sun seems to heal all your problems.

With such a heartwarming topic, you would expect a production that lives up to the expectations, luckily GIYA nailed this splendidly with nostalgic lo-fi beats and her soft vocal delivery adorning this piece, accurately transmitting the tender sentiment behind this composition. The most calming moment comes halfway through the melody when the beats stop, and it’s just the guitar with GIYA’s voice, culminating in what feels like a pleasant dream.

4 once is both a beautiful tribute to London and an auditive roller-coaster brimming with creativity.

Fortunately, this is only the beginning because GIYA is currently preparing her next EP, Odd Fish, in collaboration with the producer Scoop Monty. This upcoming work will be a mixture of old and new, as well as raw and brutally honest, such a premise only makes us more excited to hear how it will sound.

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Words Javier Rodriguez