Home New Music George Rose Unlocks His ‘Soul Connection’

George Rose Unlocks His ‘Soul Connection’

George Rose Soul Connection review on Right Chord Music Blog

Hailing from the West Midlands, George Rose is back with his latest offering, ‘Soul Connection’. Exploring the intensity of love and romance, George Rose blends alternative indie, electronica, and R&B sentiments to forge an experimental piece of pop music.

George Rose – Soul Connection

Right from the offset, the track introduces itself with a strong sense of rhythm and melody. The dreamy synthesizers cascade and allow for the simple – but nonetheless irresistible – bass line to fashion a robust rhythmic feel. Before long, the lyric cuts into the soundscape – “only you understand the traumatic lust under my skin” – evoking themes of romantic dependency with the protagonist longing for a sense of emotion or feeling.

The track itself is partly influenced by Rose’s own experience with ASD and how it can affect and distract from different parts of everyday life, with fascination and distraction being rooted within the artistry of ‘Soul Connection’.

Clocking in at five minutes, ‘Soul Connection’ makes no apology for the artistic license it takes in exploring different feels and genres to create a distinctive aura and feeling – this is one of my favourite aspects of the song. The experimental synthesizers, drum machines, and guitar lines would individually be labelled with different styles – but by bringing them together produces something that feels as unique as it does exciting. The best example of this unfolds as the track draws to an impressive climax for the final chorus. Guitars wail with captivating harmonies whilst the sonic landscape melts away into an experimental vastness, reminiscent of Kraftwerk or Brian Eno.

The authenticity within ‘Soul Connection’ is another aspect that makes it feel so compelling. The way George has masterfully woven his personal experiences into something that feels relatable builds upon his adept ability to be as innovative as possible, and this is something he should be admired for.

‘Soul Connection’ is a sensational pop soundscape, offering an innovative take on an array of genres with heartfelt storytelling.

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Words Alex Malpass