Home New Music Desmond Myers reveals his delicately soulful debut album Shadowdancer

Desmond Myers reveals his delicately soulful debut album Shadowdancer

Balancing between the cities of Atlanta and Paris, Desmond Myers continues to surprise with the delicately crafted debut album Shadowdancer. 

Desmond Myers – Shadowdancer

Influenced highly by his time in the city of love and his history with the European country, Myers, with the helping hands of French musicians Mathieu Gramoli, Louis Marin Renaud and many more, capture the esque of French undertones yet twist and turn through complex, modern production. Entirely self-written and developed throughout, Shadowdancer touches on a multitude of personal themes that Myers shares throughout the journey of eight chosen tracks.

From the battle with temptation within hit single ‘Playing with Fire‘ to the honest evaluation of masculinity in ‘Real Man‘ and the finishing touches of self-discovery throughout the lead single ‘Shadows‘, Myers voyage is an opening to a young man finding his feet within the chaos of our society.

Speaking about the finale chapter of ‘Shadows’, Myers said:

“’Shadows’ is a song I wrote after being frustrated with overthinking. I can be a very cerebral person at times and, I wanted to make a song that got me out of my own head. I had been making a lot of mid-tempo music about things that were very personal to me, and I just wanted to make something to shake those feelings off. It ended up being just as vulnerable of an experience as those other songs.” 

With an overall cohesive project but giving glimpses of every thought Myers hold within each different track, Shadowdancer is rich in sounds and textures yet entail a journey of an artist that knows his place. 

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Words Daisy Lipsey