The virtuoso trip-hop duo Pinhdar unveils a clever metaphor for empathy in their latest track, 'Little Light'.
Pinhdar - Little Light
Originating from Italy, Pinhdar is the creative fusion of vocalist Cecilia Miradoli and guitarist/producer Max Tarenzi. Together, these talented musicians...
Delve into the depths of introspection with Leyton Thomas's latest release, Screwcap Diet, where nostalgia meets melancholy in a captivating musical narrative.
Leyton Thomas - Screwcap Diet
Hailing from the vibrant streets of East London and currently calling Manchester home, Leyton...
Discover Castell’s irresistible 80s-tinged synth pop.
Castell - ‘Beach Coma’
Writing this from London, where it has been raining literally since I woke up this morning, and the concept of dryness is but a distant memory, a beach sounds pretty damn...
Meet Emily Alice, the vibrant young artist whose latest release, 'Us Girls', encapsulates the essence of friendship and cherishing the present moment in a heartwarming acoustic pop composition.
Emily Alice - Us Girls
Hailing from the picturesque locales of Lichfield, Staffordshire,...
Discover Sophie Kilburn’s indie-rock with boundaries.
Sophie Kilburn - ‘Body On The Inside’
How does one handle consent and physical boundaries in a pop song? Well, if you’re Robin Thicke, the answer is ‘badly’. But here on Sophie Kilburn’s track, she...
Mariannie sweeps us off our feet with her latest track, "Fool For You," a seamless fusion of R&B and soul that oozes with raw sensuality.
Hailing from a diverse background spanning the Philippines and Canada, Mariannie, also known as Mariannie...
Discover ghostdaughter’s sweetly unnerving indie pop ballad.
ghostdaughter - ‘Doll’
‘Good morning doll, how did you sleep?’ opens ‘Doll’ by ghostdaughter. A deceptively innocent beginning for a song that goes layers deep and includes lines like ‘mother ripped out all your...
Discover Louisa Rowley’s classic blues waltz with a modern theme.
Louisa Rowley - ‘A Peaceful Retirement’
‘Barely out of the crib, a young feeling 22, but I feel so much older…’ opens ‘A Peaceful Retirement’ by Louisa Rowley. Though 22 is...
Discover Origami Tsunami's psychedelic realm with 'I Dreamt That I Was Only Dreaming'.
Origami Tsunami - I Dreamt That I Was Only Dreaming
Origami Tsunami, return with their latest release, I Dreamt That I Was Only Dreaming, In the realm of...
Tymisha, the talented young singer from Hull, UK, unveils her deeply personal track, Thin White Lines.
Rooted in East Yorkshire, Tymisha aims to inspire and connect with others through her music, inspired by her challenging past experiences. she draws from...
Discover Avi Kytes and Hazel's ambient heartbreak track.
Avi Kytes And Hazel - ‘We Got Used’
‘We Got Used’ is a title that raises a few questions. In the context of a breakup, it seems to imply that the fault lies...
Naked Sunday, the Staffordshire-based quartet, share their latest offering, 'Shine', a powerful rock anthem radiating themes of hope and acceptance, and serves as a companion to their previous release.
Naked Sunday - Shine
With an impressive track record, Naked Sunday has...