Brooklyn-based duo The Formalist has unveiled their third release of the year, a mesmerising masterpiece titled A=N, which continues to embody their enigmatic and highly captivating style. The Formalist A=N Established in 2006 by Brooklyn-born Krieger on beats/sampling and Norwegian native...
Songs of Euphoria, a Berlin-based musical theatre project’s debut release is a powerful tale of ordained destiny. Songs of Euphoria - The March Of The Amazons Recounting an epic quest of the mythological all-female tribe of the Amazons through symphonic rock,...
Calzy uses his unique blend of hip-hop and chilled indie pop as a backdrop to his vulnerable, honest and hopeful lyricism on ‘This Is It’. Calzy - This Is It ‘This Is It’ wastes no time in catching the listeners' attention,...
Max Norton explores themes of longing, desire and self-discovery through astrological imagery and emotive indie rock on his fourth solo offering ‘Comets’. Max Norton - Comets Opening the track with a simple yet moving Americana-inspired guitar riff and the line ‘I’ve...
Discover Labyrinthine Oceans’ dreamy, screamy rock on 'Untitled'. Labyrinthine Oceans - Untitled ‘I can’t do this no more’, opens ‘untitled’ by Labyrinthine Oceans, full of foreboding. It’s a stark line that sets us up for a dark track about a relationship...
Discover Surtsey’s warm, Americana alt-country sound on their new single Knot To Force. Surtsey - ‘Knot To Force’ ‘Force the lock, you’re gonna break the key’ sings one of the chorus lines of ‘Knot To Force’. It sums up this song’s...
Discover Mayfire’s moody, crashing rocker-in-love track 'Telephone' Mayfire - ‘Telephone’ In the age of modern love, it seems like everyone has had a long-distance relationship at some point in their lives. Whilst Facetime and Skyscanner can make things easier, the ache...
After barely pausing for breath after their last hit single, Cleveland's own Seeress continues to captivate their expanding fanbase with their latest gem, Empathy. Seeress - Empathy With a solid track record already established, the Cleveland-based ensemble Seeress has been carving...
Dive into INTICA’S dark electro-pop on 'Afraid Of The Dark'. INTICA - ‘AFRAID OF THE DARK’ ‘Silence, every breath is like a tidal wave,’ opens ‘AFRAID OF THE DARK’ by INTICA. It’s an ominous beginning to a track heavy with fear...
Liverpool's rising songstress, Amelia, returns with 'Nice To Meet You' a compelling anthem celebrating self-worth and acceptance. Amelia - Nice To Meet You In her previous outing, Amelia showcased her musical prowess with the release of Gravity this past January. Garnering...
Toronto's own Eddy Currents unveils his latest folk gem, Take The Night, showcasing his signature blend of profound lyricism and captivating musical prowess. Eddy Currents - Take The Night From his early years, Eddy displayed a natural inclination towards music, experimenting...
Discover JoeJas’ cartoonish hip-hop rap style. JoeJas - ‘WTF’ Here’s another familiar face to RCM - JoeJas is back with his latest track ‘WTF’. Expect all the hyperactive energy and eclectic production you’ll be used to if you’ve heard his work...
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