Recorded in his home in London, Adam Simpson has released his fourth single 'Ground Zer0' which explores the deep struggles of lockdown. ‘Ground Zer0’ focuses its lyricism on the hardships of the past year, a year which has had severe...
The stars are surely enchanting, but it’s what we do right here on this rocky sphere fluctuating in the universe that really matters. Let us seize the moment and love as much as we possibly can! That is the...
A truthful assessment of music promotion. The reality is simple. Your success starts and ends with you. Because at the end of the day nobody cares about your music as much as you.  So if you don’t make the...
"I wish I was somewhere", muses QUIETLOVE on his debut release, ‘The Dream’. It’s an apt emotional thesis for the strange, timeless purgatory our world has become in the pandemic. Days blur into each other, our social skills become...
New band Vex Message formed with the intention of creating music that questions modern-day predicaments through their blend of electronic synthesis and post-punk sensibilities. Derek Meins, the Famous Poet, and The Agitator are the key names behind the band,...
Mornings Here make a genre of songwriting I truly enjoy; the kinds of songs where, if you don’t listen too closely to the lyrics, appear to be tuneful upbeat numbers, but when you actually Google the lyrics they turn...
Based in Manchester, UK, Kintsuku is a singer-songwriter and producer whose work draws inspiration from artists such as Grimes, Björk, Daughter, and Burial. Kintsuku - Enough Kintsuku’s unique style has previously been described as “ethereal-punk” as she blends dark electronic pop...
Do you gravitate towards upbeat or downbeat music? Personally, I've always found beauty and inspiration in introspection. But even if you prefer your music to bring light, Porcelain 'Hold Me In The Dark' could still be your favourite new...
Originally inspired by the marital affair of Midge and her husband Joel from the Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Dom Malin's Drama reveals feelings of regret when moving on too quickly from a past relationship. Drama is a tongue-in-cheek song, with...
In this article, we explore 10 ways to build meaningful engagement as a DIY musician using social media and digital marketing. Social Media's and the quest for engagement It’s no surprise that Instagram’s arrival in 2010 heralded a rapid rise in...
There’s some music that speaks to our own personal experience as if an artist is looking into your head. And on the other side, there’s music where the artist pulls you into their head. It’s the latter that Einsam...
The latest piece from Blair Coron, ‘Still, Let Us Live By The Moon In Ecstasy’, is not an overwhelming track, despite its flowery title. It is an understated piece, a chance to reflect. It’s what the soundtrack might be...
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