Canine Gymkhana, a rising four-piece band from South-West London, continues to captivate listeners with their eighth official release, Two-Faced Debonair. This latest track tells the tale of a "two-faced debonair" who dazzles and deceives in equal measure. Canine Gymkhana -...
Following the success of their previous release, Manchester's Lost Legs have unveiled their third official single, Let Me Down. Lost Legs - Let Me Down Formed in the autumn of 2023, Lost Legs is an indie pop quartet featuring Simon Stirzaker...
FAC/UNDO, an emerging electronic pop artist, makes a striking debut with his single Welcome To The Club. This deeply personal track delves into themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and liberation. FAC/UNDO - Welcome To The Club Originally from Argentina and now based...
Blending modern mythology with metal influences, Gabrielle Ornate unveils her latest track, Haunted Earth. Gabrielle Ornate - Haunted Earth Known for her versatility and skill in blending a variety of genres, Gabrielle Ornate has steadily carved out a place for herself...
With a deep sense of introspection and a candid exploration of uncertainty, Enla Arboleda has unveiled his latest EP, Other Ways To Find Yourself. Enla Arboleda - Other Ways To Find Yourself Enla Arboleda, the creative vision of Colombian singer-songwriter and...
Singer-songwriter TYYA B has unveiled Potion, the title track from her upcoming EP, in collaboration with rapper KeyLow. This release showcases her eclectic style and evolving artistry. TYYA B, KeyLow - Potion Born in Slovenia and raised in a musically inclined...
Danish electronic pop duo FÉ invites listeners on a vibrant journey with their latest single, Highway Road. This track channels the unmistakable charm of the 80s, blending retro synths with an uplifting sense of freedom. FÉ - Highway Road FÉ, an...
London-based quartet Sketchdoll caps off 2024 with the release of their second album, Afterwildlife, a richly layered exploration of musical genres and styles.  Sketchdoll - Afterwildlife Following the success of their debut, See Through Me (2020), and a series of well-received...
Wooden Dog returns with their third single, The Wheel, an emotive ballad that tells the story of everlasting love, coping with loss, and cherishing the time spent with loved ones. Wooden Dog - The Wheel This song is especially meaningful to...
Laura Holliday releases the poignant new single, ‘Fibronostalgia’, a heartfelt folk-pop track that explores healing from past trauma and the daily struggles that accompany it. Laura Holliday - Fibronostalgia LA-based artist Laura Holliday has been writing and recording their own music...
Mumdeathcake has released his sophomore single, ‘What Killed The Sun’, a lo-fi indie/alt-deadbeat track that will appear as the second song on his upcoming debut EP, The Big Slow. Mumdeathcake - What Killed The Sun Mumdeathcake is the solo project of...
As part of their special box set, 'The Product Of Our Own Demands And Commands', iconic UK underground act Dolium has finally revealed 'Brother Transistor', a collection of long-lost recordings that encapsulates the band’s raw, unapologetic spirit. Dolium - Brother...
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