'Rip' is the name of the new single by Austin, Texas natives Ringo Deathstarr. The band formed in 2007 channelling influences such as The Cure, The Smiths, Fugazi and The Velvet Underground. They initially released a batch of singles on...
The style has been described (accepted by the Brighton based duo) as ‘Blitz Pop’; this seems perfect for Curxes.  ‘Spectre’ demonstrates the haunting melodies, intense industrial soundscapes and theatrical chaos into which I can't wait to dive deeper. This track plummets into...
With it's plodding rhythm 'Sun In The Winter' by Trwbador rather stumbled into our consciousness. Once there it quietly set up camp before unleashing the full force of it's charms, occupying our minds with it's trance like climax. It's a charming,...
Positioned as the modern-day Depeche Mode, Strangers are bringing the magic of 80’s electro-pop to 2012. The band, hailing from Northampton, is made up of 3 rather dapper young men. Rather elusive as a group, this darkness to their...
Music is at it's most powerful when it stops you in your tracks, and implores you to drink in and savour every last note. 'Long Time Gone' the debut single by Welsh folk singer songwriter Osian Rhys achieves exactly...
MyLyricalMind is the acoustic brainchild of twenty-two year old Mancunian, Matthew Wood. The acoustic singer-songwriter knows exactly how to put the fairytale back into modern music, with enchanting vocals and magical lyrics. MyLyricalMind started last September after years of casual...
This is simply outstanding. Introducing Bela Takes Chase and 'Eye Pennies.' With a voice that recalls Dusty Springfield and Nancy Sinatra, Eye Pennies is a delicious slice of low-fi americana. The near whispered vocals are rich, hazy, delicate, fragile...
Liverpudlian band All We Are, have this week caught our attention, by bringing beautiful Alternative Folk music to our ever-keen ears. The 3-piece have triumphed with their breathtaking new single, a song that evokes images of nature and love...
FSOL (First Signs Of Love) is a feature we use when we stumble upon something that makes our heart race. There is a feeling of optimism that maybe, just maybe we've found a new musical love. Like any new love the...
One listen and you're hooked. When the sun comes out, you want a feel-good anthem and 'The World Is Ours' a FREE track from Catcall aka Catherine Kelleher delivers in spades. First signs of love (FSOL)...you bet. Grab it for...
Genna Marabese is an Italian born, Bedfordshire based alternative singer songwriter who conjures up discordant underground pop sounds. Her debut single "We Are Animal" is a strikingly powerful tune which immediately caught our attention. It's clearly the first signs of...
One of my favourite things about music is when you listen to a track and you could be anywhere in the world, Mark Nichols is a singer songwriter originally from Sheffield who seems to manage this effortlessly. His tracks...
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