The joy of this job is when you get sent something so beautiful, you are forced to ignore formats or schedules and hit the publish button. This isn’t a First Signs Of Love feature neither is it a Band Of The Week. It’s just a stunning video to a stunning song, featuring a shed load of incredible musicians.
Here is the back story.
To Kill A King‘s lead singer Ralph Pelleymounter, set up Ralph’s Balcony Sessions, a simple concept. One afternoon, two songs, filmed 15 floors up on Ralph’s Shoreditch balcony – featuring the likes Bastille, Youth Emperial, Professor Penguin, and We Were Evergreen.
After 19 episodes, the series concludes here, with a grand finale featuring all of those above as well as To Kill A King themselves, performing an original and as-yet-unreleased new TKAK track called ‘Choices’. Starting solely with Ralph, new guests are gradually introduced, and by the time the track climaxes there are over 20 musicians playing in unison.
Glorious. Hit the share button now.
The rest of the series can be seen here, and you can hear (and download for free) To Kill A King’s recent ‘Word of Mouth’ EP from their Bandcamp page.