Home New Music Mont Rose Tackles Phone Addiction On ‘See You Around’

Mont Rose Tackles Phone Addiction On ‘See You Around’

Mont Rose See You Around On Right Chord Music

With the release of his second single, Mont Rose delves into the downsides of phone addiction in the electronica-infused track, See You Around.

Mont Rose – See You Around

Mont Rose is the project of Naarm/Melbourne artist and producer Craig Kemp. From a young age, Craig developed a passion for music by immersing himself in his family’s extensive record collection, which laid the foundation for his deep love of this art form.

This lifelong love of music eventually led him to a career in songwriting and production, including scoring TV ads and writing songs for television shows. Most recently, he launched Saturn St Studio, a creative hub for fellow artists.

It’s worth noting that the name of this project is a tribute to Craig’s father, Evan Montrose Kemp. His enduring passion for music continues to inspire Craig’s career to this day.

For his latest musical venture, Craig has collaborated with his longtime friend and fellow artist Kenny Berthelot. The two have previously worked on several projects under different aliases, refining their skills and even having one of their early works featured on the TV show *The Other Guy*. Their strong chemistry shines through in Mont Rose’s sophomore release, See You Around.

This track addresses a prevalent modern issue: phone addiction. In today’s digital age, where the urge to scroll endlessly, check notifications, and navigate the illusions of social media is ever-present, See You Around highlights the significant impact this mindset can have on individuals.

With its distorted backing vocals and soothing beats, See You Around establishes a charming atmosphere right from the start. Kenny’s vocals seamlessly weave through the intricate layers of the arrangement, creating a relaxed and immersive soundscape.

See You Around is a delightful sonic experience, skillfully crafted and powerfully delivering its message.

But if you think this is the last you’ll hear from Mont Rose, think again. This emerging artist has promised that this track is just the beginning, with many more releases set to follow in the coming months. As the title suggests, we’ll be seeing Mont Rose around!

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Words Javier Rodriguez